SEO Basics: 7 Essentials You Need for Optimizing Your Site

Every individual, brand, and organization should be aware of SEO optimization and of how they can compete with other players in the industry. But what are the basic notions for improving your site and getting more profits from customers? To find out this issue, keep on reading our collection of tips for you.


To understand this, ask yourself, what is the purpose of a search engine? It is to provide relevant answers to the query of users. Search engines make use of algorithm and automated bots that peruse your websites and pages. They will check the relevancy of your content against the title of your article and the searcher’s query.

The content’s quality

Here, we are looking at quality over content. Does your article provide answers to a user’s query? Are you writing your articles for your fellow human beings instead of the search engines? If that is the case, you are bound to rank highly on SERPs. We recommend that you move away from long content that may be difficult for a user to focus on. Shorter content ranks better, and also the use of proper and appropriate sub-titles and headings is crucial.


This is back to the question of ‘who is the user of search engines’. In this age of customer service and experience, optimization of SEO is also interested in how smooth the user’s experience is. This particular element looks at loading speed, navigation speed, linking to other pages, and the content itself.

With such elements working as they should, a user should enjoy a smooth and problem-free experience on your site.

Compatibility across devices

You have to take into account the fact that there are all forms of smart devices in today’s market; from phones to tablets and computers. And if they have internet compatibility, it is possible that they can access your company’s or brand’s websites.

Search engines are looking for a responsive website that can easily adapt to the size of any screen. If not appropriately optimized with such a design, be sure that your website will rank poorly.

Alt tags

SEO optimization and ranking are all about the use of bots to check through the design and content of your page. You should know that these bots don’t have the ability to ‘see’ your quality images and other visual aids. Every image that you upload should have an alt tag or text for the bots to read.

Accurately tag your images to increase the chances of your ranking highly with every search on different platforms.

Local SEO

Remember that users of search engines are looking for products and services in relation to their location. While walking in the city’s streets, they might look for a café or a store to purchase some shoes or litigation services.

With location information on your website, you can increase your chances of ranking highly. We recommend using the Google My Business tool and also listing accurate addresses or directories on your website.

Meta descriptions

This is often an element that is overlooked during site optimization. Meta descriptions are one-two sentences that are located just below the heading. They substantially increase the chances of a user clicking on your site.